Basic sauté

Cooking with a small quantity of fat or oil at a high temperature is known as sautéing. It is a simple technique that maximizes flavor while minimizing cooking time.

  • First, place a sauté pan on a high heat and add just enough oil to lightly coat the bottom of the pan. The oil allows even heating and prevents sticking while the high temperature browns the food, quickly sealing in the juices. A fat or oil that can withstand high heat, such as clarified butter or canola oil, is essential.
  • When the oil is hot, place the food in the pan on its most attractive side. Do not overcrowd the pan because the temperature will drop and the food will not brown properly.
  • After the first side has browned, turn it over and brown the other side. Do not turn the food more than once or twice because this will hinder flavor creation.
  • Sautéing is most effective with fish and thin cuts of tender meat. Thicker pieces would burn before the inside was cooked, and so it is necessary to decrease the heat after the initial browning. Cooking time will depend on the size and thickness of the food and personal taste.


Source: Culinary Cafe

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