Stuck With Essay Writing? 6 Remedies to Get Things Done Faster

Writer’s block isn’t a joke; sometimes, it can last longer than a student can expect. There could be a bunch of reasons why this happens. A student can just feel demotivated by having so many responsibilities.

Do you feel like you can’t force yourself to start or even continue working on an essay? Don’t stress around. There are proven remedies that can help you get out of writer’s block and finally enjoy the process of creating quality essays. Check out this list and transform your procrastination into a success!

Delegate Your Essays or Find Support

Oftentimes, you feel stuck just because you lack the necessary support. A task can seem too hard because it’s not explained well or the topic is far beyond your knowledge. This can kill all the desire to work on it.

However, the problem is fixable by finding a proven service or a professional who can lend a hand. Many students go to WriteMy for essay creation when they feel stuck. It’s a quick and painless remedy for any tired student. A professional writer can solve the problem at a snap of a finger – something you would have a headache with for weeks.

Set a Timer or Move the Deadline

Some students just get lost in time. And it’s true: time flows by fast, and many people wait until the last day to start working on their academic tasks.

One thing that could help you is to move the deadline for yourself a few days earlier than it actually is. If it’s a big project – set the deadline a few weeks before the actual submission date.

Get yourself an aesthetic timer for your table that is well-visible, and don’t forget to take time for breaks too. It will help you avoid burnout and reward your brain with dopamine once you complete small milestones.

Try ‘Study With Me’ Sessions

‘Study with me’ streams are another amazing remedy. If you are more of an extrovert, you can join video conferences with students around the world.

One of the websites where you can do it is called StudyStream. But you can also use some of the popular Discord servers for students. Such sessions enhance productivity and provide an enjoyable experience for those who don’t feel motivated to study alone.

If you stay on the introverted side, you can hop on YouTube live broadcasting. James Scholz is a student who encourages peers to complete their tasks with him. You don’t need to be present on camera, but you can still leave questions in the chat.

Don’t Focus on Perfection

Another reason why many students procrastinate and can’t bring themselves to write an essay is their inner perfectionist. You may be one of those students who want to do every task at the highest level. And that’s awesome! But there is one thing to understand that will make your essay writing process so much easier. You should not force yourself to write a perfect first draft.

Write it as if the grade you are going to get doesn’t really matter at first. Later on, reread the draft, adding new things and editing it gradually. Once you have a solid base for your essay, you will not get so frazzled. The process should feel encouraging because you already have something to begin with.

Or maybe you are scared to be viewed as a bad writer. This fear will not stop you when you realize no one is perfect. You need to practice and make mistakes before you can improve and get to the desired level. You can also check out IT certification practice test for more great options.

Reward Yourself

It’s important to know what you are striving for. A good grade can’t be guaranteed, but the essay needs to be written anyway. What to do in this case? You can create a list of little rewards you will give yourself once you are successfully done with the assignment.

This can be watching an episode of your favorite anime or playing a video game. There is even a special website for that too. Animedoro rewards you with an hour of anime once you dedicate an hour to working on your project.

It’s important to also use incentives for your brain. One of them can be positive self-talk. Once you feel down thinking about the essay you have to complete, remind yourself of all the past successful essays you have written. Vividly imagine how praised and accomplished you might feel when you finish the assignment. And now think of what will happen if you just ignore your essay.

Follow the Two-Minute Rule

Starting is the tough part. But if you figure out how to trick your brain into doing so, you can easily curb your procrastination. You might have noticed yourself avoiding writing your essay by doing a lot of other things that also seem productive but don’t really bring the desired result.

The two-minute rule is a proven technique that aims to solve this problem. And it works in the most severe cases when you just can’t force yourself anymore. All you have to do is to convince your mind that you will only write for two minutes and can stop after that.

What this will do is rewire your thoughts and remove the terrifying pressure. And once you start doing it and see yourself writing a few sentences, you will naturally get involved. Most likely, you will feel like continuing to put sentence after sentence until the whole essay is complete.


Feeling stuck with essay writing is not the end of the world, but you need to act on it to flip the situation ASAP. You shouldn’t give up if you genuinely care about your study progress and academic success. These six remedies will help you get out of the rut and make you write faster, so you can meet the deadline every time.


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