Weight Equivalents: Burdock Root

Weight Equivalents Burdock Root

Burdock probably originated in China. Burdock has been used as a medicine for centuries, and the root is popular in Korea and Japan as a vegetable. Ueong is very crisp and has a sweet, mild, and pungent flavor. It can be found in most Korean markets fresh, frozen, dried, or pickled. Used … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Radish

Weight Equivalents Radish

There is some disagreement as to where radishes originated. Sources say they originated in the eastern Mediterranian area, near the Caspian Sea, Northern China, or Southeast Asia. Today radishes are grown around the world in many different varieties. How much does a radish weigh? Radish, Common (Globe) Common Names: Radish, Red Radish, … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Peas


Peas are native to West Asia (Afghanistan, Iran, Northwest India) and Northern Africa (Ethiopia). Peas were gathered by Roman Legionaires to supplement their rations How much do peas weigh? Peas, Snow, Edible Pod Common Names: snow pea, Chinese snow pea, Chinese pea, Chinese pea pod, sugar pea, mange-tout pea, edible-podded pea. Usually … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Lettuce

green and white lettuce

Lettuce was first cultivated in Egypt where it was probably selectively bred to produce large edible leaves. It spread from Egypt into Greece and Italy, then throughout the Roman Empire. There are several types of lettuce, but the three most common are Leaf, Head, and Cos (Romaine). How much does lettuce weigh? … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Spinach


Spinach most likely originated in Ancient Persia (Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan). It spread eastward through India into China, and westward through the Mediterranian area into Europe. Spinach can be eaten raw (blanched) in salads, on sanswiches, seasoned and served, in soups, fried, stir fried, as wraps…. How much does spinach weigh? Spinach … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Various Chili Peppers

bell peppers

Chili peppers originated in the Americas and were spread across the world after European exploration. They are used in both food and medicine and as non-lethal weapons (think pepper spray and the recent Chilli grenade using the Bhut Jalokia pepper). Chilli peppers range from sweet and mild to extremely “hot” and sometimes … Read more

What You Need to Know about Tomatoes

different types of tomatoes

The tomato is an edible berry of the tomato plant which originated from western South America and Central America. It is the most popular fruit (or vegetable, whatever) in America and is eaten by millions of people around the globe. According to Tomato News (2020), tomato is gaining even more popularity as … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Cucumber

Weight Equivalents Cucumber

Cucumbers probably originated in India from 3000 to 5000 years ago. They were spread  into Greece, Italy (and the Roman Empire), and China, Cucumbers are present in many cuisines and are eaten raw. grilled, in salads, stuffed, fried, preserved, as pickles…. How much does a cucumber weigh? Cucumber, Common Small, average about … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Broccoli


Broccoli is actually a cabbage that has been selectively bred over centuries to retain it’s characteristics. Early development and cultivation started in Italy and spread from there throughout Europe and the world. How much does broccoli weigh? Broccoli Bunch Stems and Florets 608g 21.4oz Spear 5″ Long 31g 1.1oz Stalk 151g 5.3oz … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Potatoes


Potatoes originated in the area of southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia. Potatoes were domesticated approximately 7,000–10,000 years ago, and spread throughout the Americas, then into Europe with the cross ocean trade of European merchant ships . Approximately 5,000 varieties of potato exist today, with over 3,000 in the Ades region alone. … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Garlic

bucket of garlic

Garlic is believed to be native to central Asia, South Asia or southwestern Siberia. There are also wild varieties native to Europe and North America. Garlic has been in use for human consumption for at least 7000 years. How much does garlic weigh? Garlic, Common Clove 2.8g 0.1oz Head 17 cloves/head (average) … Read more

Weight Equivalents: Onion

red onion

The onion, or onion bulb, is a pretty common ingredient found in the kitchen and is appreciated for adding rich and savory flavor to our dishes. It is a close relative of pungent vegetables like garlic, scallions, and leeks. What makes the onion extraordinary is its ability to make people teary when … Read more