Weight Equivalents: Cabbage

Cabbage is native to Britain and Europe. Domestication probably happened in several locations in roughly the same time frame.
Napa, or Chinese cabbage originated near the Beijing area of China.
Cabbage is eaten raw, pickled, steamed, boiled, grilled, and fried. The leaves can be used as wraps for various meats and other foods.

Cabbage, Common

Cabbage is very versatile and can be used in a wide variety of cooked dishes or raw salads.  Whole leaves may be used raw, or lightly steamed as wraps for meats or other vegetables.
Substitutes:  red cabbage, napa cabbage, savoy cabbage.

Head, Large 1100g 38.8oz
Head, Medium 908g 32oz
Head, Small 800g 28.2oz
Wedge, Large 1/8 Large Head 137g 4.8oz
Wedge, Medium 1/8 Medium Head 113.5g 4oz
Wedge, Small 1/8 Small Head 100g 3.5oz
Cup, Shredded 35g 1.2oz
Cabbage, Chinese (Pak Choi)

Common Names: bok choy, 白菜, Chinese chard, Chinese white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Chinese mustard cabbage, pak choy, pak choi, baak choi, white mustard cabbage, white celery mustard, taisai, bai cai.
Bok choy has crunchy stems and crinkled, spinach-like leaves. Usually stir-fried with other ingredients, it can be steamed or sautéed and served as a side dish. Smaller heads of bok choy are known as baby bok choy, and are generally more tender than the larger variety.
Substitutes: Chinese broccoli, yau choy, napa cabbage, broccoli, Swiss chard, celery, collard greens, beet greens.

Head, Large 950g 33.5oz
Head, Medium 840g 29.6oz
Head, Small 755g 26.6oz
Cup, Shredded 70g 2.5oz
Leaf, Medium 14g .5oz
Cabbage, Japanese or Korean (Napa), Chinese Pe Tsai

Common Names: Baguio pechay or pechay wombok (Tagalog), Chinese white cabbage, baechu 배추(Korean), wongbok, nappa, or napa cabbage, hakusai (Japanese: 白菜),  celery cabbage, Chinese celery cabbage, Peking cabbage, Chinese cabbage, petsai, shantung cabbage, Chinese leaf (leaves), michihli.
Baechu is a mild, sweet flavored, variety of Napa cabbage, similar to a cross between cabbage, iceberg lettuce, and celery. It has an oblong head with tightly packed pale green to white, crinkled, crisp leaves.  Baechu is probably best known for it’s use in the spicy Korean Kimchi dishes.
Substitutes: bok choy, cabbage, savoy cabbage.

Head, Large 1247g 44oz
Head, Medium 925g 32.6oz
Head, Small 735g 25.9oz
Cup, Shredded 76g 2.7oz
Cabbage, Red (Purple)

Common Names: Red Cabbage, Purple Cabbage.
Red and green cabbage have the same flavor profile and can be used interchangably based on desired color. Red Cabbage may “bleed” color into any dish it is used in.
Substitutes: green cabbage, napa cabbage, savoy cabbage.

Head, Large 1100g 38.8oz
Head, Medium 908g 32oz
Head, Small 800g 28.2oz
Wedge, Large 1/8 Large Head 137g 4.8oz
Wedge, Medium 1/8 Medium Head 113.5g 4oz
Wedge, Small 1/8 Small Head 100g 3.5oz
Cup, Shredded 35g 1.2oz
Cabbage, Savoy

Savoy cabbage is milder than common cabbage and can be used in the same types of dishes.
Substitutes: cabbage , napa cabbage.

Head, Large 1100g 38.8oz
Head, Medium 908g 32oz
Head, Small 800g 28.2oz
Wedge, Large 1/8 Large Head 137g 4.8oz
Wedge, Medium 1/8 Medium Head 113.5g 4oz
Wedge, Small 1/8 Small Head 100g 3.5oz
Cup, Shredded 35g 1.2oz

A few years ago we started growing our own Napa cabbage. I built several wooden boxes to use as raised garden beds and put in a mix of composted steer manure, clean topsoil, potting mix, spaghnum moss, and used coffee grounds. We get a pretty good crop of napa every year now, and just refresh the soil with kitchen and garden compost. I use a dual barrel composter with pretty good results.
Growing the cabbage is pretty easy, just have to protect early growth from the birds and do a bit of weeding.


What You Need to Know about the Cabbage

The cabbage (Brassica olaracea) is an herbaceous plant that belongs to the family Brassicaceae. It is a relative of other brassicas such as turnip, Brussels sprout, and mustard. The cabbage’s leaves – its only edible part together with the spherical cluster of immature leaves – forms a compact head that is widely consumed raw, cooked or preserved. 

Do you know that the cabbage is so abundant and healthy that it is a long-standing staple throughout the world? As a matter of fact, it is considered the national food of Russia and is celebrated around the world every 17th of February.

Continue reading this article to learn about the interesting history of the cabbage and its popular uses.


It is not certain as to where the cabbage appeared for the first time because this plant grows in many parts of the world. Known as one of the oldest vegetables, the common theory is that the cabbage was cultivated separately in the West around 3,000 years ago and in the East around 4,000 years ago. 

The cabbage was developed from wild cabbage which resembles collards and kale. It is believed that the cabbage was grown in ancient Greece and Rome where it was revered for its use both as a food and a medicinal plant. The Greeks and Romans even considered the cabbage as “the first of all the vegetables.” Around 600 B.C., the cabbage was brought to Europe by the Celts. It spread throughout Germany, Poland, and Russia and became a popular vegetable. In fact, the cabbage is Russia’s national food.

Where the Cabbage is Grown

The cabbage is grown in many parts of the world today. It grows best in well-drained soil filled with organic matter. 

In 2018, the largest producer of the cabbage was China, followed by India, Russia, South Korea, and Ukraine. China produces 48 percent of the world total.


The cabbage is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. A cup of raw, green cabbage contains:

  • Calories: 22
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin K: 85% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 54% of the RDI
  • Folate: 10% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 7% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 6% of the RDI
  • Calcium: 4% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 4% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 3% of the RDI

The cabbage also contains quercetin (good for allergies) and isothiocyanates (good for reducing risk of lung cancer). Other micronutrients found in the cabbage are vitamin A, iron, and riboflavin. 


There are three major types of cabbages, namely green, red, and Savoy. The list below details these types along with some additional varieties.

  1. Green Cabbage. The green cabbage is the most common among all varieties that looks similar to the iceberg lettuce. Long-lasting and tightly packed, it possesses a peppery flavor that turns sweet once cooked. It is used in salads, slaws, stir-fries, or soups.
  2. Red (or Purple) Cabbage. This variety has similar appearance with the green cabbage except that it has a magenta color which turns to odd blue when cooked. Cooks use acidic agents such as vinegar lemon juice, or wine to retain its color. The red cabbage is also used in traditional salads and slaws.
  3. Savoy Cabbage. Also known as curly cabbage, the Savoy cabbage has ruffled and ridged leaves that make it the prettiest (and sweetest) cabbage in existence. Its leaves are less tightly packed than the green and red varieties but it is also used in salads and slaws. This variety originated in Italy.
  4. Napa Cabbage. Sometimes called Chinese cabbage, the Napa cabbage does not look like the other head cabbages. Instead, it has long, yellow-green leaves attached to thick, white stalks. It is used in salads and in preparing spicy kimchi.
  5. Bok Choy. The Bok Choy has distinct leaves that grow off of a central stalk. With its mild cabbage-like flavor, the Bok Choy is most often used in stir-fries. 
  6. Brussels Sprout. This variety is composed of tiny cabbages sold loose. 

Popular Uses 

The cabbage is commonly eaten as a vegetable in salads and slaws, and its leaves are also used for medicinal purposes although it is not yet well-understood how this vegetable works as a medicine. Other uses of the cabbage includes treatment for stomach pain, ulcer and other stomach conditions. It is also used to treat asthma and morning sickness and prevent weak bones and cancer in the lungs, stomach, colon, and breast. For breastfeeding women, the cabbage is used to relieve breast pains.

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