Everything You Need To Know About Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are a great way to get the long, full lashes that you always wanted. They can be applied individually or in clusters, and they look natural enough that you could wear them every day without anyone knowing. The best part is that this service won’t break your bank because it’s one of the most affordable treatments for beauty-related services. Here are some more things that you need to know about eyelash extensions before booking an appointment!

Eyelash extensions are a great way to get the long, full lashes that you always wanted. They can be applied individually or in clusters, and they look natural enough that you could wear them every day without anyone knowing. The best part is that this service won’t break your bank because it’s one of the most affordable treatments for beauty-related services. Here are some more things that you need to know about eyelash extensions before booking an appointment!

You Will Likely Need More Than One Session With The Lash Technician

Eyelash extensions do not look like natural lashes, and it will take more than one session to get them looking that way. You’ll want each set of extensions to blend in with the existing hairs on your lash line. This means that while you can get a complete application done in one sitting, it’s usually best for people to come back for at least one more appointment. If you want thicker, longer lashes, you might need to come back for even more than that.

Natural Lashes And Eyelash Extensions Do Not Grow At The Same Rate

Your natural eyelashes will continue to grow while you have your lash extensions, but they will grow at a different pace than before. If you’ve never had false eyelashes before, it can be shocking when your lashes start to pop out from the extension line created by the lash technician. This is because your eyelashes are coming in faster than your extensions, which means that there’s going to be some blending work done for you to have the perfect eyelash extensions. Many people get their lash extensions multiple times to stop having this dilemma and get them looking good again!

They’re About The Same Price As A Regular Salon Service

Eyelash extensions can be purchased for anywhere from $200 to $500, depending on how long you want them and who is applying them. Lash technicians charge per lash that they place onto your own eyelash line, so if you like more of a full look, expect to pay more. This makes it one of the most affordable beauty treatments out there! If you decide to purchase some at-home false lashes instead, make sure that you choose ones that fit your face well and cost less than you would spend on an appointment with a technician.

There Are Some Health Risks Involved

We don’t often think that our lashes are something we need to care for, but they can actually be damaged if you don’t practice proper lash care. Extensions placed on the lash line can cause irritation and, in some cases, even infection when chemicals and glues that aren’t meant for eyes are used in their application. Always go to a professional who uses only safe products to reduce your chances of damaging your lashes.

Make Sure That you’re Happy With The Lashes During The First 48 Hours

The first time that you get eyelash extensions applied, it’s best to have them done before bedtime so that your eyes have an entire night to rest. This allows any glue residue or chemicals to dissipate before you start using them again so that they won’t irritate your eyes further. Also, keep in mind that it can be challenging to get used to extensions, and you may need a day or two before you decide whether or not they’re right for you.

Sleep on your back and avoid rubbing your eyes

The longer your lashes are, the harder it will be for them to stay put without help from foundation or lash glue. Make sure that if they fall out overnight, no matter how hard it is, don’t try to fix the problem by brushing the lashes off with something like a toothbrush. Instead, gently comb through each one to remove any mascara or other residue, and go ahead and wash your face while you’re at it so that you prevent infection.

It would help if you also refrained from sleeping on your stomach because while you’re sleeping, you tend to rub your eyes which can cause lashes to fall out more quickly.

Remove Makeup Before Applying Lash Extensions

You should never apply glue-on eyelashes over an eye with mascara, or other types of eye makeup still left on. The used products can react negatively with the makeup, which will then irritate your eyes or even cause more severe problems.

If you’re allergic, beware of adhesives

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies, then this is important for you to know: there are synthetic and natural hair options for eyelash extensions, and some people can be allergic to one type or the other. Therefore, before getting eyelash extensions applied, it’s a good idea for you to get patch tested if possible, especially if you tend to suffer from allergies regularly (makeup and skincare products tend to aggravate them). It’s also a good idea for people who use topical or oral medications consistently to get patch tested, as the medications can make them more sensitive to adhesives, and eyelash extensions will require an adhesive. 

You Can Get Eyelash Extensions For Special Occasions Or Every Day

Ok, so you know that the eyelash extensions will add volume and length to your already long lashes, but what you might not be aware of is that they’re very versatile in terms of when they can be applied. Some women stick with special-occasion lash applications such as their wedding or high school reunion, while others opt to apply them nearly every day because they look so natural, and it saves them time in the morning! So if you’re hard-pressed to choose just one, then spruce up for a friend’s wedding by getting your eyelash extensions done on this website for the big night and keep them on until after the honeymoon.

Keep an extra pair of lash combs at home

If you keep eyelash combs handy, then you might be wondering what happens when you need one for your morning routine but find out that yours broke since the last time you used it. If you don’t have a backup comb or two, then this could feel like a tragedy

Keep Your Lash Combs Clean

Not only is it essential to keep an extra pair of lash combs around so that you can avoid going without them, but you also need to make sure they’re clean at all times. An unclean lash dress can lead to bacteria growth which can cause your eyelashes to come out faster than usual (meaning they won’t be as full and long).

Two Eyelash Extensions vs. Three Eyelashes?

What most people believe is that more lashes are better; however, that’s not the case! Yes, you can have up to 250 individual lash strands on your eyes, but having anything over 100 is so heavy it may cause damage to your natural lashes. Not only is this uncomfortable for you, but it can be very painful for the person receiving them. In addition, the weight of multiple extensions will eventually weigh down your natural lashes which can lead to lash loss or, even worse yet – an infection.
We hope this article has resolved all the queries regarding eyelash extensions. Make an informed decision and rock those eye-catching eye lashes everywhere you go!



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