Strategies for Building a Prepared and Successful Remote Workforce

The expansion of remote work has led to significant changes in leadership and management strategies across the country. Although some individuals experience a hybrid work environment, where some of their work is done remotely and the rest is done in the office, these companies need to do more than adopt the best Google meet background. These are some tips for building a prepared and successful remote workforce.

Pursuing Consistent Communication

Much of the communication you present is nonverbal. However, your remote workforce doesn’t always have the benefit of seeing your nonverbal communication. In addition, your team doesn’t have opportunities to converse or check in the breakroom or at each other’s desks.

Therefore, pursue a policy of consistent communication. Not only should major strategy meetings be held over the internet, but you should also check in and have one-on-one virtual meetings. You should encourage your team to have collaborative meetings, whether through video conferencing, project management software or chat tools, such as Slack.

Effective communication also includes building a feedback loop for yourself and your team.

Leveraging the Right Technology

Remote engagement requires technological tools, such as video conferencing software with Office backgrounds for teams. In addition, your team should have a way to instant message their teammates and managers. These messaging tools allow your employees to get more immediate answers to their questions than they would via email. They should also have automation tools for administrative or redundant tasks.

Also, encourage your employees’ motivation through production assistants that track their workload and productivity, especially during peak times and major projects. Your employees should also have access to remote training tools to assist with onboarding new staff and learning new tasks. Finally, your staff needs cloud storage and computing capabilities.

Stressing the Importance of Strong Bonds

It can be easy to feel disconnected when you are working remotely. The normal relationships you would create in the office are lacking when you are separated by geography. Because these employee bonds help your staff members work effectively and efficiently with one another, you as a manager need to foster a culture that encourages your staff to bond with each other.

Set clear relationship boundaries and goals. Encourage employees to get to know and meet each other. Encourage partnerships where staff members have someone they can contact if they have questions or need to brainstorm a problem. Build sub-groups of employees with similar goals and interests. Build games, contests and other opportunities for your staff to interact.

Setting Expectations

An effective team understands what you want from them. Discuss what you expect with regard to communication, productivity, deadlines, workflows, availability and scheduling. You should also discuss their performance expectations and reviews as well as your feedback process and recognition policies. Be sure they understand the company’s goals and mission as you learn theirs.

Setting Boundaries

It is easy for remote workers to become so focused and embroiled in a task that they don’t realize they are working longer than they should. Setting your availability expectations can help curb these tendencies, but you also need to promote self-care and work-life balance. Encourage your staff to take regular breaks and pursue personal and family interests.

Your remote workers may benefit from Microsoft Teams background, but pursue a comprehensive success strategy to ensure their preparation and success.

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