4 Reasons to Choose Wild Salmon

If you’ve been told farm-raised salmon is the way to go, think again. There are many health and sustainability-related reasons why wild salmon is the better choice. A diet featuring wild salmon helps to boost the brain, body, and it serves the earth – perhaps better than a purely vegetarian diet.

Let’s explore why this food source in its most natural state is such an important choice.

1. Wild Salmon is a Super Food

One of the top reasons to get wild king salmon shipped to your door is that it is one of the most nutrient-rich foods in the world. It gives the body essential nutrition for the development of the body and the brain. It provides proteins and bio-essential minerals like zinc, copper, iodine, iron, and selenium in an easy way for the body to absorb.

Wild salmon is also a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. Omega-3 EPA and DHA that are present in salmon aren’t found in most plant-based foods, yet they are crucial for cell structure and function.

2. It is Wholesome

Wild salmon is one of the world’s safest, purest food sources, which is why it is endorsed by health experts worldwide. It is especially healthy for child-bearing mothers and growing children. Research shows that communities that eat a lot of fish have significantly reduced infant mortalities and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Studies show eating fish that have a short lifespan is healthier as they do not accumulate and store impurities in their bodies. Wild salmon only live between two and four years, so they fit the bill. Even the longer-lived wild king salmon don’t bioaccumulate as many impurities as other fish and seafood.

Large-scale scientific research on the risk of mercury in seafood has found that avoiding superfoods like wild salmon is more harmful to health than the risk of consuming traces of mercury.

Wild salmon as a food source is one of the last wild, naturally “organic” foodstuffs. However, USDA regulations don’t permit wild seafood to be categorized as “organic,” but farmed salmon is! Farmed salmon are typically raised on an unnatural diet, absorbing antibiotics, pesticides, growth hormones, artificial colorants, and other veterinary drugs.

This means wild salmon is far healthier to eat than farmed salmon – it’s a natural, unprocessed food source.

3. Wild Salmon is Sustainable

Wild salmon fisheries and independent fishers rely on an abundance of fish for their livelihoods. Therefore, they care about the availability of wild salmon and the industry’s sustainability. These people are some of the most passionate activists promoting the protection of the fish.

These fishermen are currently fighting a long-standing battle to keep mining interests out of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Activities there would damage the area where the world’s most extensive sockeye salmon run.

4. Easy to Prepare and Digest

Salmon is quick and easy to prepare, and absolutely delicious! It is also easily broken down, absorbed, and used by the body.

As salmon, alongside most seafood, has a much lower density than animal meat, it is much easier to digest. You can digest it in 30 to 60 minutes. The body takes several hours to digest meats like poultry, pork, and beef. This makes wild salmon a “user-friendly” source of micronutrients, proteins, and fats.

Wild salmon can be cooked in a few minutes. It’s best to cook it for 10 minutes for each inch of thickness.

Wild salmon has also become easy to find. You can get canned wild salmon, which is precooked and readily available. Or, nowadays, you can even buy fresh wild salmon online.

Closing Thoughts

As you can see, choosing wild salmon over its farmed alternative has several essential benefits to your health and the environment.

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