Blank Beanies are now a trend

In the past few years, blank beanies were seen to be reserved and boring. We all loved flashy prints and designs that showed which designer brands were our favorite. A lot of people would go for printed beanies, with logos, or some decorations. People would choose anything playful over the blank beanies. We all wanted to go out of our way to look amazing.

However, blank beanies are here to take the beanies trend to another level. Flashy beanies with logos and prints all over are slowly leaving the fashion scene. If you do not have a blank beanie, you better get one. This is a trend that you need to embrace.  

Here is why the blank beanie trend is here to stay. 

1. Minimal is more when it comes to fashion

Gone are the days when we had to complicate things to look stylish. With the dawn of this new decade, it is evident that a simple minimal look is something everyone should embrace. Blank beanies are the ultimate way to keep simple and stylish. Blank beanies will draw less attention to your head but will still manage to keep you looking fashionable.   Also go classic options like aviator glasses to look great.

2. Stand out from the rest

In streets where everyone is wearing a beanie with a specific designer logo on it, you will stand out with your simple blank logo. If you don’t want to be carried away with trends that everyone is embracing, get you a blank beanie. Your uniqueness will soon be setting trends for people.

3. Styling of blank beanies is quite simple

There are a lot of ways you can style your beanie. The way you choose to style them will make you look trendy or not. A lot of people do not know how to style their beanies correctly. With regular styles, you end up looking like any other ordinary person on the street. 

If you want to style your beanie like a pro, purchase a blank beanie. A blank beanie makes you look fashionable without trying too much. Of course, we want to look like we are not trying too hard. We want the style to come out naturally. 

 A monochrome outfit is the best way to look stylish during winter. It would be best if you had a blank beanie to pull together a perfect monochrome. Monochromes are trendsetters that let you look sleek and sophisticated even when you are on a budget. 

Blank beanies would often come in neutral colors. It is easier to style neutral colors. You can pair them with bright colors, or maintain a simpler look by pairing it up with a neutral color combination. 

4. Toning down an extra-looking outfit. 

Blank beanies are also a fantastic way of toning down an outfit. Wearing prints from the head to bottom can be quite overwhelming. If you have a printed t-shirt, plain trousers and plain beanie would be the way to go. You do not want to have patterns from the head to bottom. Toning down with a blank beanie saves you from looking ridiculous. If you have a collection of printed shirts and t-shirts, we would recommend that you purchase a blank beanie to pair it up fashionably. 

Other than toning down the prints, blank beanies can be exemplary in the way of toning down bright colors. If you love dressing in bright colors, then you should get neutrally colored accessories. A blank neutrally colored beanie looks impressive when paired with bright colors. 

5. They are not paying you to market them

Wearing clothes with logos of brands on them is directly selling the brand. You will be walking down the street advertising to everyone that you are wearing a particular brand. The company gets you to market them without pay. This is why you should stay low-key with beanies that have no logos on them. Besides, wearing clothes with logos all over is ridiculous. 

6. There is a belief that dresses with logos all over are less well made

Well, this is an assumption that bears some weight on it. A lot of clothes with screaming logos all over are often of lower quality than those with no logos. This not entirely true, but we cannot dismiss it entirely. High-end attires will rarely have logos all over. If you want to keep up with quality, I would recommend that you go for a blank beanie. 


For a long time, printed beanies and beanies with logos have been a thing. However, fashion is quickly undergoing a revolution. The class, sophistication, and style that come with blank beanies are incredible. When you style your blank beanies correctly, you will stand out even without trying too hard. You will love the uniqueness that will come with this new trend because, after all, less is sophisticated when it comes to fashion. Go ahead and join the new direction of blank beanies to set the fashion trends like the pro you are. 

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