Guide to Different Kinds of Mushrooms

Mushrooms are one of nature’s greatest gifts. They can go from beautiful to grotesque. In fact, they can also even be magical. You can easily buy magical mushrooms from to get the additional medical benefits.

Mushrooms have the ability to add depth of flavor to our food. However, most of us purchase mushrooms without really understanding the difference between the tiny little ones and the big brown ones. And now that grocery stores offer several kinds of mushrooms such as the floral chanterelle and the meaty shiitake, how can we tell the difference between all of them?

Mushrooms should not be a mystery to most of us. That’s why we are here to give you a guide on the different kinds of mushrooms you need to know about. You can also check out magic mushrooms dispensary for more great options.

Types of Mushrooms

White and Brown Champignon

These mushrooms are your basic mushrooms. They are readily available on almost every grocery store or farmer’s market. They can either be brown or white, but they have that same earthy flavor. When brown champignon mushrooms are still immature, they are called Italian brown, baby Bella, cremini mushroom, or brown cap mushroom. On the other hand, if the white champignon is still immature, they are called table mushrooms or champignon mushrooms. Both of them are versatile, and they can be used in different dishes such as risottos, soups, and stews. You can also roast, pan-fried, or eat it as it is.

Portobello Mushrooms

When white and brown mushrooms became fully matured, they turn into portobello mushrooms. This type of mushroom can handle almost every form of cooking, but it is best if you pan-fry them along with rosemary and a handful of garlic.

Oyster Mushrooms

Instead of being foraged, oyster mushrooms are often cultivated. This is because they can grow pretty much anywhere. This type of fungus has delicate frills that have a different display of soft colors. Oyster mushrooms can be cooked or eaten raw. But we suggest that you roast them along with lots of herbs, and we guarantee you that you will be amazed at how tasty its mild, meaty flavor is.

King Oyster Mushroom

King oyster mushrooms are very recognizable because they have a stumpy base and a small-cap. They can be eaten raw, but their flavors come out when you cook them. King oyster mushroom has a strong umami taste along with its meaty flavor. You can try frying it with lots of butter, garlic, and other spices for a different culinary experience.

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are native to East Asia, and they are an essential part of Asian cuisine. Their dried stems add a whole lot of flavor to soups, sauces, stocks, and broths. However, you should avoid eating this type of mushroom raw because they can cause an allergic reaction and give you rashes. They are best served cooked to unlock their rich and earthy flavor.

Simeji Mushrooms

Just like king oyster mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms are very recognizable because they have long stems with tight concave caps. They are also quite little, and they should be eaten cooked because they are quite hard to digest. Shimeji mushrooms can handle different types of cooking, whether it is quick, high, low, and slow cooking methods. Which means you can fry them or add them in a braise, either way, they will still taste delicious.

Enokitake Mushrooms

Just like the shimeji mushrooms, the enokitake mushrooms are small in size, have long stems, and pin-like caps. You can easily find them in supermarkets. This type of mushroom can be enjoyed in different ways, such as stir-fried, or picked. Rest assured, they will add delicate texture and nuttiness to your food.

Chanterelle Mushrooms

Chanterelle mushrooms are vase-shaped, sweet-smelling mushrooms that have a nutty, fruity, and a little peppery taste. Their colors can range from pink to white or yellow. They are best served with foods that have mild-flavored ingredients to let their complex flavors come out.

Porcini Mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms tend to appear and grow around pine trees during the first rains in winter. And for most people, there is no better mushroom than porcini mushroom. They can handle almost every form of cooking, and they give out a distinctly rich, nutty, and earthy flavor.


Truffles are those delicious but elusive mushrooms that hide underground. Only those with a strong sense of smell can locate where these treasures are. Truffles are the subterranean fruiting body of fungi, and they don’t have any cap or outward stem that can help them appear above the ground. They might not be the prettiest mushrooms around, but they have a rich, earthy, and nutty flavor that is hard to beat. In fact, even if you only add a pinch of truffle on your food, it’s guaranteed that it will add a lot of flavors.

Since they are hard to find, truffles tend to be more costly. Plus, once they are harvested, you need to use them within a short time frame, that’s why transportation also affects its price. A lot has tried cultivating truffles around the world, but they did not achieve. Truffles grow naturally in the fertile soils of Europe, specifically in France and Italy. Truffle hunters usually used highly trained dogs to help them sniff truffles.

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