Guide to Growing Green Onions

Green onions, or sometimes called spring onions or scallions is one of the most versatile vegetables in the world. You can use it to garnish your food or make it a part of your salad. There are a handful of ways you can consume this vegetable. And the best thing about green onions is that you can grow them in a tiny space so you will have an endless supply of them. That’s why in this article, we are going to teach you everything you need to know about growing green onions.

What are Green Onions and Their Types?

Basically, green onions are immature onions that have green shoots. These shoots form and grow before the onion fully matures. There are other types of green onions, and they are:

  • Scallions – They are basically the same thing as the green onions because scallions are also harvested from the regular bulb-forming onions that we know. They can also come from other onion varieties that never form bulbs. Scallions are green with a white stem that doesn’t bulge out. They have a bit of onion-y flavor to them, but it is not as intense compared to regular onions. You can eat them raw or cooked. Some people like to discard the darker green tops, but almost all of the scallions can be eaten. They are available all year long.
  • Spring Onions – Spring onions may look very similar to scallions, but they have small onion bulbs at their base. Spring onions come from the onion varieties that produce bulbs, and they are the more mature version of the scallions. Spring onions are often planted as seedlings during fall, and they are harvested the next spring. That’s why they are called “spring” onions. They tend to have a mellower and sweeter taste compared to real onions. Still, their greens have a much intense flavor than scallions. Spring onions often have a white or red bulb depending on the variety. They can be used the same way as regular bulb onions, and they are perfect for roasting, grilling, or being used like pearl onions.

When is the Best Time to Plant Green Onions?

There is no restriction when it comes to planting time for green onions. If you live in a cold climate, you can grow green onions from spring to fall, and if you take care of them well enough, they can last until winter as well. On the other hand, if you live in a warm tropical climate that has little to no frost, then you can grow green onions all year round.

How to Plant Green Onions

First, you should choose a shallow pot that is no more than six to eight inches deep. You should maintain at least 1 ½ to 2 inches of space between each bulb or onion set to be able to grow around eight green onion plants in a 12 inches wide pot.

Do not plant green onions from seeds because they take a long time before they get mature enough to harvest. We suggest that you should grow green onions from transplants or sets. Or you can just plant the onion bulbs in your home.

How to Grow Green Onions

  • Location – Place your pots in full sun or part sun. Make sure that your green onions are staying warm. If you’re going to grow green onions indoors, we suggest that you should keep them near a bright window that receives at least 4 hours of direct sunlight.
  • Soil – Green onions can grow in any well-drained, light, and loamy potting soil. You can also mix one-third part of compost or well-rotted manure to the earth. 
  • Water – You should keep the soil evenly moist and well-watered. Water your green onions regularly, but remember to avoid sogginess and overwatering.
  • Fertilizer – Basically, you don’t need any feeding if you already added manure or compost in the soil. But if you notice that your green onions are not doing well, then you should consider applying a half-strength balanced liquid fertilizer. 

You can start to harvest your homegrown green onions in about three to four weeks. Remember to pick the ones that at least six it eight inches tall. Always follow the cut and come again method. Trim off the fresh green tops and leave at least an inch of green shoot above the soil so your green onions can go back again and again.

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