Thumb Sucking: How to Stop it?

Isn’t it the cutest thing to see our babies sucking their thumbs? The typical reaction of parents is to take a photo of this beautiful moment and post it on Social Media. Thumb sucking is common among babies and is usually no reason to be concerned. But, there is a point in their lives where we must stop it as it can usually cause dental problems. Generally, it is safe, but there are precautions involved. In this article, we will talk about thumb sucking and how we can stop it. We will also discuss the pros and cons of this habit, so read more to find out.

What is thumb suckingThumb Sucking: How to Stop it?

Thumb sucking, or “non-nutritive sucking,” is a typical reflex during fetal development. While most children quit sucking their thumbs between the ages of 2 and 4, some continue to do so until adulthood. In addition, some infants may develop the habit of sucking their thumb when angry or before night because it helps them feel more secure. If you’re concerned that your child is excessively sucking their thumb, keep calm and stop worrying too much. If your child is under around five years of age, there are no known health risks linked with thumb sucking, so feel free to encourage the activity.

Why do babies thumbsuck?

Babies frequently calm their worries by gnawing on their fingers or whatever is readily available. It helps people calm down and relax when they are angry. Moreover, thumb sucking helps infants become used to common diseases at an earlier age. It has been discovered that this increase in their immunity reduces the likelihood that they would develop adult-onset allergies. But, as the baby’s milk teeth begin to fall out, sucking the thumb may become problematic. One of the many disadvantages of thumb sucking is the potential harm it might cause to the growth and alignment of a child’s teeth.

How to do you stop babies from thumb sucking?

Talk to them

Discuss with your child the dangers of thumb sucking. If your child is at least four years old and still sucking their thumb, you can begin urging them to make the change. Your chances of successfully persuading your child to quit are significantly increased if they are motivated to do so and have input into finding the most effective method.

Don’t be rude

Parents’ anger about their children’s thumb-sucking is one of the most significant errors they may make. If the infant is already anxious due to the anxiety that produced the behavior, adding more negativity will not help.

Discover the causes

If you observe your child sucking their thumb as a coping method, you should attempt to determine the source of their distress and provide alternative sources of consolation, such as a hug or reassuring words. You might also offer your youngster a pillow or stuffed animal to squeeze.

Talk to a pediatric dentist

Pediatric dentists are capable of helping your child stop habits that can damage their dental health. Furthermore, they are equipped and trained to provide child care. Therefore, you don’t need to worry if your child exhibits fear before going to the dentist.

If you are looking for a pediatric dentist in Arlington, VA, look no further than Junior Smiles of Stafford.  Regular dental check-ups are important for maintaining good oral health, so make sure to prioritize your child’s dental health. Book an appointment with Junior Smiles of Stafford today!

Use Bitter Medicines

If your child tends to thumb-suck, you can help him overcome the behavior by applying a somewhat bitter ointment that he can consume directly on his thumb. You must demonstrate continuous support and love to prevent it from becoming a punishment.


Most children stop sucking habits by age four before their secondary teeth come in. If the habit continues, several problems can occur: it can create calluses, infect the skin around the nail, or the nail can be deformed. Many kids will often stop thumb-sucking on their own because their preschool classmates tell them it’s babyish. You can help that process while your child is still a toddler by offering other comfort objects like a beloved stuffed animal when she reaches for her thumb. Patience and consistency on your part, and help from your child’s healthcare provider or dentist if needed, will help your little one conquer the thumb-sucking habit once and for all. As of now, let them enjoy the comfort and let your kid be a kid.