What Are Veneers And How Should You Care For Them?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells comprised of tooth-colored materials, which are designed to be applied to the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These thin shells are bonded to the front teeth so that they can change the size, shape, or color of those teeth to make them more appealing.

There are several types of dental veneers that can be purchased, but the most popular are porcelain and resin-composite veneers. Porcelain veneers are excellent at resisting stains, and they are more durable than any other type of veneer. Also, you can prefer veneers London that help to improve your smile.

Resin composite veneers are less expensive, and for this reason, they are often chosen as the veneer of choice by many dental patients. However, porcelain veneers are extremely popular as well because of their durability and their stain-resistant quality. If you’re thinking of having dental veneers installed, you can visit this website and schedule your appointment.

Discover what are porcelain veneers and how they transform smiles, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for enhancing dental aesthetics.

Problems that dental veneers correct

Most people who have dental veneers installed are looking to cover up teeth that are discolored for some reason or which have an unsightly gap between the front teeth. In some cases, cracked or chipped teeth are also covered up by veneers, and teeth that have large resin fillings from cavities might also need to be covered up.

Some teeth simply get worn down over a number of years and lose their shape, and these can be enhanced by applying veneers over them. Lastly, teeth that may be uneven, abnormally shaped, or even somewhat misaligned can all be improved by installing dental veneers.

How to care for your dental veneers

Considering the fact that most dental veneers are fairly expensive, you’ll want to get the maximum lifespan out of them, which is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 15 years.

However, in order to make them last that long, you’ll need to observe some care strategies that will prolong the life of your dental veneers and keep them looking appealing for all that time. Here are some of the tactics you should be using to take the best care of your newly installed dental veneers:

  • Observe good dental hygiene – in order to keep your veneers looking their best for as long as possible, the single best thing you can do is to practice good oral hygiene. Not only will this keep your veneers looking their best, but it will provide you with good oral health as well. Porcelain veneers may not be subject to decay, but there are still parts of your teeth that are exposed to decay, and you’ll need to brush twice a day and floss daily to maintain good oral health.
  • Use a soft toothbrush – it’s very important to use a soft toothbrush when brushing because you won’t want to damage the surface of your veneers, whether they’re porcelain or resin-composite. Hard bristle toothbrushes can damage the polish on your veneers, and any toothpaste which includes a strong abrasive can likewise damage them.
  • Avoid gum disease – if you should develop gum disease, it may cause inflammation in the gums, which will trigger them to recede somewhat. If your gums should recede, that will tend to expose some part of the veneer, and it may compromise your appearance as well as the veneer itself. Make sure to keep your regularly scheduled dental appointments so that you can avoid gum disease altogether.
  • Keep your dental appointments – it’s important that you don’t miss any of your regularly scheduled six-month checkups because your dentist can monitor the health of your veneers at each appointment. If any repairs are necessary, your dentist will spot them and carry out any necessary repairs.
  • Avoid biting hard objects – porcelain veneers are extremely durable but not quite as strong as your normal teeth would be. You should avoid chewing hard objects like nuts, ice, pencils, or even fingernails. Chewing on such hard objects could cause your veneers to become damaged or chip away.
  • Avoid clenching and grinding – clenching or grinding your teeth is a bad habit that you’re going to need to eliminate when you have veneers installed. Clenching and grinding will wear down your veneers and will almost certainly cause some kind of damage to the porcelain. Talk to your dentist about treatment options for clenching and grinding before it causes any damage to your veneers.
  • Avoid foods that cause stains – even though porcelain veneers are highly stain-resistant, the adhesive used to attach your veneers is not. That might cause the edges of your veneers to darken up or to yellow when exposed to stain-producing foods and beverages. It’s best that you avoid drinking such things as soda, tea, and coffee, and you should try to use a straw when drinking beverages so the beverage bypasses your veneers.
  • Stop smoking – obviously, smoking is bad for your general well-being, but it can also degrade your veneers. It can stain or discolor your veneers, and that will defeat the purpose of having them installed in the first place.

If you observe the recommendations above, you should be able to maintain a great-looking set of dental veneers in your mouth for more than a decade and probably longer than that.